Wednesday 7 March 2018

A Life Together: Photos 1977-1981

At Dana's Wedding, June 1977
Brana (then still Beverley) meets my family.


Our Engagement, September 1979
Members of my family, including my father, my sister dana, and my sister Valerie with her husband and children camped out before the party.

With my parents in Vernon Close, St Albans.

44 Stradbroke Grove and Killens

Grandpa Isaac on his birthday

We Arrive in Italy
Luciana and Sergio Grancini

With Loredana and Claudia

With my grandfather

With Sami

We Cross the Mediterranean

Kibbutz Adamit

In the avocado plantations below the Lebanese border

A bedouin herdsman with his goats

The mo'adon of the kibbutz

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Ulpan at Kibbutz Ein Hashofet

My mother on a visit to the kibbutz

Brana with Rachel Guedj

Myself with Adrian

A trip to Jerusalem


We lived on the top floor of the building behind us

Brana's parents came to visit us

With Alan Tauber, our friend from Ein HaShofet, and Rochelle Fromson's dog

At Montfort Crusader castle near Ma'alot

We return to England and move to Factory Cottage, Bideford


We return to Israel as madrichim
Camping at the Sea of Galilee

Skinny dipping in the Sea of Galilee

Camping on the shore of the Sea of Galilee

Tony Glantz is far left and Steve Erlick is far right.

Trekking along the wadi near Ma'alot to the Crusader castle at Monfort
In the wadi near Ma'alot
A dip in a pool in the wadi

In the wadi

In the wadi

In a shelter during a katyusha attack from Lebanon

Trip to Egypt

The view from our hotel room in Cairo

Boat builders near the Nile
Bricks drying near the Nile

At the Hotel Hatshepsut in Luxor

Paupers picking over a rubbish heap at Luxor

The entrance to the Valley of the Kings

Cycling to the Valley of the Kings

Huge statues near Luxor

Looking down from the ridge at the Valley of the Kings

Factory Cottage

I created a bathroom in Factory Cottage

Judith Christie with Jessica and Maeve


  1. Amazing looking through all these photos - what an eventful life you have lived Frank.

  2. Discovered whilst googling Adamit. Very interesting to see these photographs.
